How it works

A friendly local or travel Influencer who gets to knows you and plans your trip for you

Step 1

Combine all your trip ideas in one place

Step 3

Hire a Catt to learn about amazing hidden gems

Step 4

Experience your destination like never before

Think about how many websites you visit to research all the details for your trip.

We created a platform to let you have a Catt (local or travel Influencer) develop an itinerary for you, based on your demands, desires, and dreams.


Select a Catt

Insert your destination to start your itinerary. If one or more Catts are available at that location, make your selection and let them know the number of days you would like to have planned.


Tell the Catt your personal needs. Are you bringing children? Any pets? Do you have any allergies or a restricted diet? Let them know in advance so they can select places and experiences that match your demands.



Is there a place, food, or something that must be added to your itinerary? If you already know what you would like to experience at your destination, inform your Catt, so they can adapt their suggestions to your desires.


Share with your Catt the experiences you have always wanted. They can help you find a spot to see the northern lights, visit all local museums in one week, or even try a different local recipe every day. Make it the trip of your dreams.



Itinerary on demand

We let you choose which days of your trip will be planned by your Catt. The price is set by them but it will always range between $10/day and $40/day.

This way you can enjoy your destination’s best hidden gems but give yourself enough freedom to travel your way.

Start with a free account today

A genuine traveling experience awaits you.

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